
How Animation can improve your SEO

In business we hear a lot about Search Engine Optimisation or SEO. These are little tricks of the trade that help rank your website further up the search engines listings. However are all these tricks the whole solution and do they help you reach all of your target market? We think not!

After Google YouTube is classed as the second largest search engine and bigger than Bing, Ask, AOL and Yahoo search combined! With over 3 billion searches a month can your business really afford not to have a presence here? YouTube has definitely started to grow up, moving away from just chimps riding segways and people falling off skateboards and is now maneuvering into the consumer facing market with a more professional, customisable interface as well as offering streaming service for the latest movies and TV shows. 

All top global brands are creating channels and adding content so having a presence on YouTube is becoming a must. By producing content for use on this platform you can see benefits in many areas. 

Firstly you can ensure that you are maximising the exposure of your company, brand and product to a wider audience on this additional search platform.

Secondly the medium is a good vehicle to showcase your products and company in a different way from the traditional copy based website. YouTube also allows you to be a bit more informal and to show more of the behind the scenes aspects of your company, talking heads of your team introducing themselves or product related information to give a different perspective on your company.

So to maximise the exposure of your brand give us a call to discuss how we can help move your company onto YouTube, or how we can refresh your current YouTube presence.  We can work on a solution that works for you, from a simple video shoot against green screen to more elaborate motion graphic, product realisation or animation pieces.  The great thing about creating content for YouTube is that you can also embed this into your current website, which increases time on site, which in turn, helps your SEO on the traditional search engine listings. Happy Days!

RJDM 2D and 3D Characters
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